Adult Issues
Transition to Adulthood
While the idea of your child making the transition from school age to adulthood is often overwhelming, it is important to keep in mind that adults with autism can live, work, learn, play and even thrive in their communities when given proper supports.
For adults with autism, finding a job is a critical first step toward self-determination and financial independence. Assessment of skills, identifying employment goals and finding the training needed to meet those goals are critical for successful employment.
Community Life
Selft-directed supports, residential care, housing and transportation.
Waiver programs, state funding, private sources of funding.
Transition to Adulthood
The Current State of Services for Adults with Autism
An overview of the types of the service systems and models that currently exist which are designed to provide adults with ASD the continued and necessary support to be engaged, active citizens and lead lives of competence, quality and dignity. Learn more >>
Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
This new guide is designed to give parents, teachers, and other education professionals an introduction to the transition to adulthood process. Each of these topics contained herein could merit an entire volume of its own; therefore, this Guide is intended to serve as a starting point for parents and educators as they seek to learn more. Learn more >>
Transition Activities Across the State of Missouri
Mary Morningstar from Kansas University presented information to the Special Education Advisory Panel (SEAP) in March of 2008 on the work they have been doing on transition activities in partnership with the state of Missouri. Learn more >>
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Institute for Community Inclusion
The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities through training, reasearch, consultation, and clinical and employment services. Click here to read their latest article on autism and employment.
Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS)
A leader in local initiatives for people with developmental disabilities. The organization is comprised of 51 county boards that provide local services for an estimated 47,000 people with developmental disabilities. Click here to view the state employment work plan.
Adult Autism and Employment: A Guide for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals
This book is written for vocational rehabilitation professionals and employment services providers - the people whose job it is to find jobs for people with disabilities. This guide contains a lot of detailed information about how the features of peole with ASD and the needs of the workplace interact, with suggestions about addressing common challenges from those interactions. Learn more >>
Missouri Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
VR specializes in employment and training services that can assist individuals with disabilities in finding and maintaining employment. A VR counselor will determine your eligibility for services. Learn more>>
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Community Life
Residential Care
The choice to remain at home or move into the community depends primarily on an individual's ability to manage daily living needs. For example, can he/she do housework, prepare meals, or pay bills?
For information on chosing a residential care facility, click here to read "Finding a Residential Provider that is Right for You" from the Missouri Department of Mental Health - Division of Developmental Disabilities
For information on residential care facilities visit the National Association of Residential Providers for Adults with Autism website.
Self-Directed Supports
In many states, individuals with disabilites are assessed by state agencies and then are informed of what services would be provided to them. Self-Directed support is a system of social care dictated by the individual and their family based on their own needs and wants.
The Missouri Department of Mental Health Division of Developmental Disabilities recently identified Self Directed Support coordinators in each for regional office and are meeting regularly to make Self Directed Support as strong service option for individuals and families who receive services in Missouri. Learn more >>
Transportation is the key to access to employment, recreational activities and full participation in community life. The majority of individuals with disabilities depend on public transit to be mobile in their communities. The Governor's Council on Disability website has information on transportation in your area. Learn more >>
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Waiver programs
The MO Department of Mental Health's Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD) administers four 1915(c) Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver programs for individuals with developmental disabilities. Learn more >>
State Funding
Autism Projects - The MO Department of Mental Health's Division of Developmental Disabilities funds five regional autism projects throughout the state to provide services to families with a loved one on the autism spectrum. This is a funding stream separate from the waiver programs. Learn more >>
SB40 Boards - County Boards or Senate Bill (SB) 40 boards are an additional source of funding and services at the local level for people with developmental disabilities. They are formed to distribute tax levies that are passed to benefit people with developmental disabilities. Learn more >>
Missouri Medicaid - Missouri HealthNet Division assists people with disabilities in meeting costs of medical services. Benefits are distributed according to income and medical need. Learn more >>
Private Funding Sources
Please consult our Resource Directory for private funding streams in your area.